


2022年7月22日 11時58分


P.S. ジョン先生より以下のようなメッセージをいただきました。
When I first came to Higashi High School, I thought I would only teach for one year, but after meeting all of the students and teachers I realized how much I loved teaching at this school and living in Tottori. Now I have been here for three years, and I am so glad I stayed for longer than I originally planned. By teaching here, I was not only able to help you all learn English, but you were also able to teach me some Japanese and I could experience many wonderful cultures from Japan. I wish I could stay here even longer and see all of you graduate. Sadly, I have to leave now, but this school, all of the students and teachers, and Tottori will have a special place in my heart forever. Keep practicing English, but most importantly keep believing in yourselves and work toward achieving your dreams.