

English Builds Bridges
2(2nd year students) 
2 times a week, Monday + Thursday.
From 4-6pm in Osuikaikan.
Our motto means we will be able to make friendships between ourselves and foreigners through English. We can learn English and American culture through playing games, watching videos, and doing other activities. Please come to the club whenever you can. You will be able to enjoy English! Join us!!


2014年3月19日 00時00分

Hi all,
I know the English club hasn't had much activity lately, but I'd like to share with you some comics that 2nd year students have made. I really enjoyed reading them and chose some that I thought were really well done. There may be a few spelling/grammar mistakes, but the ideas were presented very nicely. Enjoy!

There were soooooooo many other good ones, but unfortunately, I can't put all of them up. I just really wanted to share some of these with others. Once again, great job to all the students who took part in this.

(Englishi Club) Special Guest is coming!

2013年5月28日 00時00分

This Thursday, May 30th, the English Club will have a special guest visit.  An ALT from Canada will join us.  Please drop by (come) and say hi. We will meet in the Audio/Visual Room, next to Dai 3 Kaigishitsu. She will do club activities with us and then answer any questions you may have about life in Canada. Everyone is welcome. We hope to see many of you there!

Welcome First Year Students!(English Club)

2013年4月15日 00時00分

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to the new school year. The first meeting with first year students was held on April 15th.  Thank you to those who attended. We have three new first year students. I'm so excited for this coming year. Please remember, we are now in the Dai 3 Kaigishitsu from 4-6pm. It is a little hard to find, but I'll see you there! I hope you enjoyed the rice krispies snacks I made. :)

English club was held

2013年2月25日 00時00分